Monday, February 26, 2007


Okay so I made my first print today after doing the aquatint and I don't really like how it turned out. The second print I made was better but it still didn't look like I wanted it to. I guess I expected it to be darker than it is. Maybe I did it wrong too? I don't know! But I finally took a picture of one of my prints from the first plate I did with drypoint. It was the last print I made from that plate so it changed a lot but I like how this one turned out! At least I like this one!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I am loving print making. The process is very interesting. I didn't know what we were going to use to make prints before so I was surprised when we were using copper. I really like that we aren't using drypoint for our next assignment. I am actually excited to see how my plate turns out after it's been in the acid for the different times!